It is the goal of United Yorkie Rescue to rehabilitate our rescued Yorkies to a happy, healthy state so they can be adopted. Occasionally, we find a Yorkie we have rescued has serious medical problems that do not make them a candidate for adoption.

The Board of Directors of UYR, in consultation with the rescued pup's veterinarian and foster parent, may decide that it would be in the best interest of the Yorkie to keep them in the safe and caring environment of the foster home.

Once accepted into the Forever Ours Program these special needs pups are loved and cared for by the foster parent for the rest of their life. The pup's medical expenses are covered by United Yorkie Rescue and the foster mom provides food, physical care, goodies and a family environment.

If you would like to become a special part of one these special little Yorkies' lives please consider becoming a 'Sponsor' for them. A 'Sponsor' can make monetary donations or provide supplies for their use in the Forever Ours Home.

All monetary and material donations specified for these Forever Ours Yorkies are used for their continuing care needs.

If you have any questions about becoming a Sponsor or would like further information about this program please contact: Judi Laverty at:

Thank you!

We are looking for people who would be interested in being a 'Sponsor' to one or more of our Forever Ours Yorkies! As a sponsor you would become a cherished person in this dog's life.

You would receive communications about your sponsored pup and your name would appear in their story on the Forever Ours page. If you are interested please contact Sandra Wendt at

Bella Stella FO

Meet Bella Stella, a sweet 11 year old, 14 pound little Yorkie girl being fostered in Azle, TX. Bella came in with her sister, Bessie.


Pam Roberts, Lindy Long, Carl Shea, Janet Wannamaker, David Lavine, Angie Cagle, Barbara Burgess, Carl Shea, Sandy Pagnotta, Mary Mays-Delamater, Cynthia Duranti, Maria Witbrod

6/6/23: Today Bella Stella became a Forever Ours. With her diabetes and development of Cushings, it was determined her future would be happiest as a Forever Ours with her loving foster mom.

To date we've spent $9933.57 on Bella Stella FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $1070.00 in donations.
Please donate!
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Bessie FO

Meet Bessie, a sweet 11 year old, 9 pound Yorkie girl being fostered in Azle, TX. Only TX applicants will be considered.


Lindy Long, Carl Shea, David Lavine, Angie Cagle Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Pam Roberts, Jamie Mills, Mary Mays-Delamater

6/6/23: Today Bessie as well as her sister Bella Stella became Forever Ours pups. With the little likelihood of Bella's adoption and the need to keep these two girls together, we chose to make them both Forever Ours pups where they will live with their loving foster family.

To date we've spent $3741.34 on Bessie FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $625.00 in donations.
Please donate!
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Elliot FO

Elliot is a 12year old Yorkie Mix weighing 17.2lbs and is being fostered near Ashland City, TN.


Barbara Lalani, Patricia Hull, Sandy Pagnotta, Veronica Gonzales, Tracy Deibert, Jennifer Bullington, Angie Cagle, DeAnn Deutsch, Wendy Fuhrmaneck


Karry Rogers

Updated Bio 10/12/24

Elliot is doing great in his Foster Home. He is eating and taking his medication well. He is maintaining a good weight. Elliot gets along well with the other doggies in the home. He does drink a tremendous amount of water and has to go outside frequently. He stays in an open pen with a washable wee wee pad when Foster Mom is at work. When Foster mom is home he wears a belly band when he has free roam of the house. Due to his excessive drinking he does go to the bathroom a lot. Elliot is still Pre Cushing Disease. He is on thyroid medication and gallbladder medication. Elliot is a happy guy who enjoys being loved on and loves exploring outside. Please consider donating to his continued medical care in rescue.

Update: 05/11/2024

UYR has decided to make Elliot an FO due to his medical needs. Elliot is a very chill guy and enjoys spending his days lounging around and being petted. He loves to sleep with foster mom as well. He is a wonderful dog and very well behaved and super smart. Elliot is diagnosed with being on the verge of Cushings Disease which can be managed with medication. As of right now he DOES NOT-have it but all signs of aging is leaning towards this disease. He does have a thyroid issue which is being managed with medication twice a day and he is taking a medication for his gallbladder. He takes his medication easily with food. Elliot did have a small turmor removed that was discovered at his last checkup It was an apocrine sweat gland cyst, which is a benign, non-cancerous lesion. It was completely excised, so he should not have one recur at that spot but it is possible for him to develop others in other areas so we need to make sure we continue to monitor. His bloodwork looked good considering his medical issues.. Elliot is a beautiful doggie with lots of love tp give. He is not much for going on walks but will go potty outside in a fenced yard. He does drink lots of water and he will wear a belly band. Elliot just needs continued medical care to live his best life. Please donate to his care by clicking the PayPal Button underneath his bio.

To date we've spent $4888.02 on Elliot FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $850.00 in donations.
Please donate!
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Emmitt FO

On 3/23/22 Emmitt, a cute Yorkie mix who is being fostered in Tennessee became a Forever Ours pup who will live out his life with his amazing foster family.


Wendy Henry, Lauren Satterfield, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Allison Triplett, Karen McKeand, Trula Montgomery, Carrie and Todd Tenpenny in memory of Dennis Weisen, Jerry Werner and Mark Spies in memory of Dennis Weisen, Sandra Wendt in memory of Dennis Weisen, Brandon Burk


Julie Wiegert, Krystal Kay, Ashley Lean, Alex Fernandes, Sandy Puettman, Shay Serrano, Pixieland Yorkshire Terriers, Laura Ragusa, Cathy Edwards, Paula Gehrke, Roger Naglewski, Teri Kovarik, Melody Earls Sowa, Cindy Foster, Dawn Rozran, Alison Williams, Liza Santos, Ron Klaui, Brian and Christa Cook, Valarie Vaughan, Barbara Burgess, Ed Harm, Lisa Sands, Vanessa Riollano, Leslie Corbell, Wendy Henry, Josh Lytton, Caron Davis, Brenda Stone, Marie Turan, Karry Rogers, Carol Gragson, Linda Wellander, Melissa Duet, Dianne Slaten

06/10/2024: Emmitt is doing well he stays to himself most of the time he enjoys sleeping and treats. Emmitt is totally blind. He gets around well for the most part. He does get mad if he bumps into something, but honestly it doesnt happen often, if the other dogs get in his way or loud noise will sometimes upset him. He does well with foster mom if she picks him up to love on him as long as she speaks to him first so he knows whats going on he does great. He loves attention and cuddles once he's aware who is picking him up. The little stinker hates to take a bath, but we manage to work thru his anxiety. This baby gets spoiled with lots of love and treats.

02/08/2024: Emmitt is doing well he stays to himself most of the time he enjoys sleeping and treats. Emmitt is totally blind both eyes were removed due to massive infection. He gets around well for the most part. He does get mad if he bumps into something, but honestly it doesnt happen often. He will growl and snap if he runs into anything, if the other dogs get in his way or loud noise will sometimes upset him as well. He now does well with foster mom if she picks him up to love on him as long as she speaks to him first so he knows whats going on he does great. He loves attention and cuddles once he's aware who is picking him up. The little stinker hates to take a bath, but we manage to work thru his anxiety. This baby gets spoiled with lots of love and treats.

3/29/22: Emmitt came to us from a shelter in New York. He was showing aggression which we believed to be stress from the environment and pain from an eye ulcer. However once in his foster home, we realized while he wanted to trust, it was very difficult for him to accept touch and love. His medical condition required eye drops multiple times a day which were difficult to administer given his fear. We transferred Emmitt to a different foster home in Tennessee and he has shown some slight improvement but still has too many behavior issues to be adoptable. For that reason, we made him a Forever Ours pup today.

To date we've spent $3930.26 on Emmitt FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $2711.00 in donations.
Please donate!
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Florida Rosie FO

Updated Bio 9/21/24: Florida Rosie was made a forever ours today. With her blindness, subsequent development of kidney disease it was decided at 14 years of age she would be happiest living out her remaining days at her foster moms house. She has mapped the house, the other foster dogs help her find her way.

To date we've spent $1289.84 on Florida Rosie FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $1968.64 in donations.
Please donate!
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Going home
Hope (Calliope) FO

Hope is a 6-year-old, 11 pound Yorkie girl living in her Forever Ours foster home near Clarksville, TN.


Trula Montgomery, Sheryl Martin, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Alexa Socha, Jennifer Bullington, Alexa Socha, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Alexa Socha, Jennifer Bullington, Alexa Socha, Lauren Radencic, Susan Matteo, Barbara Burgess, Laura Bentley, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Collections from various donors-Jennifer Bullington, Lynne Turner, Jan Freeman, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Jan Freeman, Sandra Wendt, Linda Steward, Cynthia Duranti, Sandy Pagnotta, Dan Clauser, Alex LeBlanc, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Allison Triplett, Sandy Pagnotta, Terrence Wesolek, DeAnn Deutsch. Don O'Brien, Barbara Burgess, Mandy Smith, Jennifer Bullington


Karry Rogers, Alexa Socha Rowan, Carol Arrington Gragson, Gary Arthur, Barbara Burgess, Cindy Duranti, Terri Mita, Felix Fraga Ferradas, Gloria Santos Genuino, Johnell Costa, Diana Rodbourn, John Raburn, Alexa Socha Rowan, Barbara Burgess, Christy Brooks Burnette, Carol Arrington Gragson, Janet Sinclair

Update: 05/30/24

Thank you to everyone who prayed for Calliope. She was able to come home this afternoon. She is taking 4 different medications to help with her stomach, nausea, and her anxiety. Calliope will be eating prescription low fat food indefinitely. She has an appointment on June 11 to go back to the doctor and have her blood rechecked to make sure all her levels continue to be normal. She is still experiencing diarrhea but it has improved a lot and no more blood in stool. She seems to have returned to her normal self. No longer lethargic and she is eating her new food with no problem. When we got home she had a bath first thing to get her cleaned up again. After that she has spent the rest of the time under our bed. (That is her safe place). We will be keeping a close watch on her, but we appear to be thru the worst of it. Calliope said pancreatitis is no fun. Please continue to pray for her to get better each day.

Update 05/29/2024

Calliope was hospitalized last night. She had extreme diarrhea with blood, she was very lethargic, and very calm which is not normal for her at all. She has extreme behavior issues. She was dehydrated. Her kidneys and liver values were elevated which could be because of her symptoms however they wanted to keep her a couple days to give fluids and do an ultrasound this morning. Just heard back from veterinarian she said her kidney and liver functions have improved with fluids. The u/s didnt show any issues with kidneys or liver her pancreas was darkened which leads her to believe pancreatitis so they are running the pancreatitis test but that takes a couple of days to get results back, in the meantime she will be treated as if she does have pancreatitis and be put on a low fat diet. She also had some material in her gallbladder not necessarily a fully developed stone. This is not a concern at this time. Her cortisol levels are still elevated they are going to test her for Addison disease as well. The diarrhea is improving but she hasnt eaten anything yet. They will continue fluids and wait on results. If the diarrhea continues to improve the will send her home tomorrow on a low fat diet. We will know results of the Addison test today. If she has that it will be managed with steroids. But shouldnt cause her to stay any longer at the hospital. This poor baby needs your prayers. If you wish to donate to her medical expenses that would be greatly appreciated.

Update 02/08/2024

Forever Ours Calliope-Hope has been with UYR about 6 yrs. She will turn 7 in June 2024. This sweet baby is afraid of her own shadow. She is a very loving dog at heart but will bite you with no warning. She seems immediately sorry she has bitten you but does not seem to be able to control herself. Calliope has made some progress with her trust issues with us but still unsure around unknown visitors. We are careful with her when visitors come over. We allow her to go to her space where she feels comfortable which tends to keep her from acting out. She likes routine. If she has to go to Dogtor this throws her for a loop, and she will act out. Foster parents are still proud of how she has grown but they are still aware her moods and that they could change at any moment without warning. They continue to let Calliope-Hope be who she is and monitor her always. She loves her treats. Any donations toward her care would be greatly appreciated. A BIG Thank You to those who have already donated to her care.

Update: 10/14/2021

Forever Ours Hope (Calliope) has been with UYR for about 3 1/2 years. She has been heart worm positive since the beginning. Because of her age and neurological issues we decided to go with the slow kill method. It has been a long process BUT today foster mom got the best news ever. Miss Calliope is finally heart worm negative. The life span of an adult heart worm is 2-3 years and that is just how long the slow method takes. Heart worm prevention is so important. Calliope wanted everyone to know her exciting news and to share just how important it is to give your dogs heart worm prevention even if you do not take your babies outside. We are relieved that she is healthy now. She continue to struggle with anxiety and fear aggression. She stays to herself most of the time but for brief periods she will come out from her hiding spot and let you give her attention but as always must be on her terms. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. If you feel led to donate to her care we would greatly appreciate your assistance.


Forever Ours Calliope-Hope has been with UYR about 3yrs. She will turn 4 in June 2021. Callipe weight 12lbs. This sweet baby is afraid of her own shadow. She is a very loving dog at heart but will bite you with no warning. She seems immediately sorry she has bitten you but does not seem to be able to control herself. Dr's feel this is a nuerological defect. She is on medications to help try to control her reactions. Calliope has made some progress with her trust issues with us but still unsure around unknown visitors. We are careful with her when visitors come over. We allow her to go to her space where she feels comfortable which tends to keep her from acting out. She likes routine. If she has to go to Dogtor this throws her for a loop and she will act out. Foster parents are still proud of how she has grown but they are still are aware her her moods and that they could change at any moment. They continue to let Calliope-Hope be who she is and monitor her always. Any donations toward her care would be greatly appreciated. A BIG Thank You to those who have already donated to her care.



Calliope-Hope is not adoptable. She has been with UYR 3 years on 03/11/2021. She will turn 4 in June. Calliope weighs 12lbs. We continue to work on her socialization and behavioral issues. She is still on medication which does seem to calm her. Calliope has made some progress with her trust issues with us but still unsure around unknown visitors we are careful with her when visitors come to allow her to go to her space where she feels comfortable which tends to keep her from acting out. Foster parents are proud of how she has grown but they are still very aware her mood could change at any moment so they continue to let Calliope-Hope be who she is and monitor her always. Any donations toward her care would be greatly appreciated. And a BIG Thank you to those who have already donated to her care.


Calliope-Hope Has been with UYR for almost 3yrs. She is 3 1/2 years old and weighs 12lbs. She came to us from a shelter. She did not appear to have been socialized at all. Thru her time with UYR she has been thru many vet visits trying to assist her with her behavioral problems. She is afraid of everything and is very untrusting. The dogters also believe she has nneurological problems. Calliope was adopted out early on and they took very good care of her but were unable to handle her specific issues. She was returned to her adopted family and they have let her be her. She does take medicine daily to assist with her anxiety and anger issues. Foster Mom and Dad have noticed over the past 2 years she is slowly very slowly beginning to trust her foster family. However her anxiety does flair up and we see the Calliope we first met. She does best when her daily routine is not changed. She does not like to leave the house this almost always causes her to have an episode. UYR decided not to put her thru any additional truama by trying to adpot her out... She is staying with her foster family where they are willing to deal with her episodes and give her all the love she deserves. Looking at this sweet girl you would not realize all she has going on in her head. You can see in her face that she just wants to be loved however her episodes keep her from truly letting go and receiving love. If you feel led to donate to Calliope-Hope and help UYR in managing her care it would be truly appreciated.

To date we've spent $9366.81 on Hope (Calliope) FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $2738.00 in donations.
Please donate!
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Jasper FO

The handsome Jasper is a 9-year-old, 7 pound Yorkie boy residing in Fort Worth, TX.


Bonnie Vaupel, Patricia Hicks, Lynnett Price, Olga Stecker, Sonja James, Meighan Hornady, Ronda Lancaster, Tuyet Flink, Angie Cagle, Sandra Wendt, Stephanie Morgan, Lynne Turner, Meagan Celmer, Karry Rogers, Paul Sherman, Leslie Corbell, Deanne Coleman, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Erin Poole, Jane St. John, Josh Lytton, Amy Chernault, Jan Freeman, Denise Stone, Jan Freeman, Carol Kathrein, Cynthia Williams, Tonya Lillig, Cynthia McNeil, Phyllis Lewis, Barbara Carvalho, Hilda Bacardi, Lynne Turner, Maria Stevens, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Jane St. John, Judy Smith, Helen Miller, Chardelle Blasberg, Chardelle Blasberg, Domenica Molinari, Angie Little, Theresa Coyer, Tena Payne, Gretchen Stevens, Garrett Hamilton, Julia Collick, Lori Palmer, Susan Tackett, Jodi Pistler, Marianne Alicea, Michelle Lingle, Hilda Bacardi, Nestor Sanchez, Betsy Loureiro, Johnell Costa, Angie Little, Olga Stecker, Teresa Beament, Sandra Wendt, Kathy Pekarsky, Susan Klingbeil, Theresa Beament, John Sauser, Wendy Henry, Teresa Beament, Jane St. John, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Teresa Beament, Sandy Pagnotta, Eric Kittell, Jane St. John, Louann Larson, Holly Keller, Angie Cagle, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Sandra Wendt, Teresa Beament, Janet Davidson, Cindy Mitchell-Clark, Paul Clark, Karry Rogers, Donna Williams, Cheryl Scrupski, Debra Weaver, Cynthia Duranti, Cheryl Scrupski, Cynthia McNeil, Irene and Peter Havas, Sandra Wendt, Wendy Klinke, Lauren Zimmerman, Judi Laverty, Teresa Beament, Allison Triplett, Teresa Beament, Anonymous Facebook Donors, David Lavine, Trula Montgomery, Sandy Pagnotta, Lauren Satterfield, Sandy Pagnotta, Lauren Satterfield, Teresa Beament, Barbara Gere, Barbara Gere, Cynthia Duranti, Teresa Beament, Crystal Dicosola, Linda Neilson, Crystal Dicosola

Update 11/6/23: United Yorkie Rescues Forever Ours precious Jasper's breathing is really changing, especially as he ages and the weather changes. We have now permanently added the steroid. Sadly, the Dr stated there is not much more we can do at this point (with sadness in his voice) and his age. This hit made me realize what he was saying, and I just don't think of this little one reaching that time in his life. It's a hit in the gut. Because of the horrific heartworm disease he had, along with the fact this little one had died on me twice during his early care because of the heartworms, the disease really did a number on his lungs. It took over a year of monthly use of the Advantage Multi only to kill off the worms. Poor little guy just wants to play, even as a senior! His play consists of rolling on his back and mouthing with Abigail or my brother's chihuahua Jacob. Sadly, it's just not able to happen long with the coughing that just takes his breath away. He resorts to just sitting and barking while they tag play at him. Jasper is currently taking meds for that cough which include hydrocodone and cerenia, and as I stated, now we have added a steroid. Please, if possible, donate to our sweet babies at Every little bit helps. We have a yellow donate button on the home page and each baby has their personal donate button in the Looking for Love section on the left. Jasper can be found in the Forever Ours tab on the left as well. If you cannot donate, please share this post. You never know whose heart these babies might touch. Have a blessed weekend and thank you!

Update 6/26/22: Each day we are blessed to have another day with this little man who has conquered death more than once! A little history of this baby: Jasper was thrown away in his own backyard and saved by the neighbors. The neighbors saw this little 4lb baby starving in the heat. They knocked on the door and were greeted by a couple of large pit bulls at the door. They asked about the little dog and was wondering if they could have him...the answer was "Yes, one likes him!" United Yorkie Rescue was contacted and I drove 4 hours to pick this baby up and straight back home to our vets. Jasper had so many issues. He had a seizure, he had a horrible heart murmur, he was HW positive, he couldn't walk without needing assistance because after a few steps he collapsed as he could not breathe. He died twice in my arms and I revived him and ended up in the ER twice with hemoragraphic vagal responses from his death. Jasper is now 9 to 10 yrs old. We still have issues with walking. Recently, we visited the vet to see if we could help his back leg that he holds up all the time (he had patella surgery years ago), however, his little legs are so arthritic from compensating all these years so fixes are not possible. He's still my little "Cute as bug" but he reminds me everyday he's also still the baby! This little baby will always stay with UYR as a forever ours. He's touched so many through the years and he's brought so many people into my life. He has also brought many into UYR as fosters! Please remember our Forever Ours at They will always be medically cared for by UYR and receive the love by the fosters they live with. They are Forever Home with us!! Jasper sends his loves to you all~~

Update 11-4-20: Ahhh this little man has stolen so many hearts...United Yorkie Rescue Forever Ours ~~JASPER~~. Jasper came to us a little over 4yrs ago. He was dying in a backyard and his owners told a neighbor to please take him, they didn't want him. I quickly made a 4.5hr drive when we were asked to help and this was the beginning of his fight for life. Sweet Jasper, this precious boy, had no fur and scabs all over his poor malnourished body. He received much needed fluids at the vet and that afternoon and the next day he had seizures. Jasper was HW positive, with the most horrific case of heartworm infestation they had ever seen. It took 3 years to test heartworm negative and Jasper has died twice during this time frame. God thankfully helped me bring him back, while the ER worked their magic to allow us to bring him home!

Today Jasper cannot play or get excited without going into coughing attacks. Heartworm disease has affected his heart and lungs. He walks like he is an old man and tires easily. Jasper was only 3 years old when he was rescued, so it's been very hard to see such a young baby struggle like an elderly senior dog. Jasper gets follow-up vet visits often and soon we will reassess his heart. Remember United Yorkie Rescue's Forever Ours if you're ever looking to sponsor a sweet baby in need. Their care is monthly maintenance of their health conditions, and with your donations, that allows us to continue their mission with these babies. As always, bless you and thank you for loving our babies.

Update 11-18-18: Jasper is in trouble and desperately needs your help. Early this morning I was awakened with the sounds of a dog getting sick and a horrible cry of pain and agony. Jasper, who lays next me, was in a contorted stiff position with eyes glazed and retching or seizing then stopped breathing. I rushed to my husband in the living room placed him on the chair and started rescue breathing and compression's, then took my finger a couple of times to swipe his mouth and throat to see if he had aspirated but nothing. I ran to the back door since the cold front was blowing in and stood in the cold whispering to him as I tried soft compression's and his chest moved. We gathered him up and rushed to the ER as he wretched and defecated while he didn't move his head nor his eyes.

As of now, Jasper is in the oxygen chamber. Jasper's blood work is a mess. He was severely dehydrated and his pancreatic values are OFF THE CHARTS as well. His liver is also suffering. His poor little heart is trying to fight and we are already at the tune of $3000. He will need additional support as well after this specialty care. Please help us save this little love bug. Help us give Jasper his Christmas Miracle with the start of thankful Thanksgiving. I will keep all of you updated and God Bless you ALL!!

UPDATE BIO. 9/21/2018 Oh what an angel he is!! Jasper came to United Yorkie Rescue as a 3yr, 5lb very very sick baby and is now a Forever Ours. For those who don't know his story, Jasper was brought into rescue at death's door after being abandoned in a backyard. Poor baby initially suffered two seizure because his little body was so malnourished.

A few months after stability, he suffered cardiac arrest after an initial modified attempt to cure his horrific heart worms. He was brought back to life in my home, rushed to the ER for immediate care and suffered heart and lung damage due to throwing an embolism and the immense sloughing of heart worms that this little baby had within him. His second ultrasound showed that he could never continue the treatment due to the position on the worms in his pulmonary artery. Jasper continues to receive his monthly Heartguard preventative, and on day 3 or 4 it takes a toll on his body.

We will soon revisit the vet to check to see if Jasper is heart worm free. There have been cases noted where after years of doxy and Heartguard, dogs have become heart worm free! Although damage is already done, I pray one day this this sweet baby will be rid of them. Please continue to support UYR ( with their Forever Ours babies, they will never be placed for adoption, but all of these babies will need medical care the rest of their lives. Jasper and I thank you and bless you for all for just loving them.

To date we've spent $24646.61 on Jasper FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $10983.55 in donations.
Please donate!
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Pablo FO

Little Pablo has been made a Forever Ours pup. He is being fostered in Fort Worth, TX. He suffered from a tick-borne disease that has impacted his health and has resulted in his developing a seizure disorder.


Sandy Pagnotta, Louann Andres, Shawn Hudson, Karry Rogers, Jayne Newell, Jackie Sorrells, Sandy Pagnotta, Jennifer Batchelder, Craig Cohen, Erin Brooks, Chantelle Matzat, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Allison Triplett, Jackie Sorrells, Mary Cronin, Shirley Shaw, Karen McKeand, Susan Fidler, Kellee Tussing, Wendy and David Henry, Laura Bentley, Jayne Newell, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Debra Frare, Stephanie Slack, Cynthia Duranti, Robin Nyberg, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Sandy Pagnotta, Lauren Radencic, Barbara Burgess, Angie Cagle, Elba Short, Ellen Chokreff, Dan Clauser, Pam Roberts, David Lavine, Alex Leblan, Karen Weldon, Lindy Long, David Lavine, Shaun Statham, Shawn Hudson, Carol Gostomski, David Lavine, Melissa Heiter, Samuel Cook, Dana Barao, Wendy Henry, Yvette Vangelof, Cheryl Scrupski, Gail and Mike Wiggins, Carrie, Kristen and Todd Tenpenny, Pam, Carson and Scott Cotterell and Justin, Pam Roberts, Mona Ray, Denise Heath, Lisa Heslop, Karen McKeand, Janice Hennessy, David Lavine, Carol Gostomski, Sandy Pagnotta, Kathryn Higgins, Linda Neilson, Irene and Peter Havas in memory of darling Happy and Tiny, Jessica Lang, Christy Jo Lightfoot, David Lavine, Carol Nelson, Jayne Newell, Sandra Wendt, Roberta Johnson, Pam Roberts, Sandy Pagnotta, Linda Neilson, Kathy Mars, Pam Roberts, Allison Triplett, Jayne Newell, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Teresa Beament, Nancy Andrews, Pam Roberts, Susan Robison, Karen Keaton, Dana Barao, Cynthia Duranti, Crystal Dicosola, Crystal Dicosola


Katie Giltinan, Mia Buy, Patricia Miller, Leslie Corbell, Christine Flaherty, Natasha Cruz, Kim Maise, Ula Fronczyk, Marsha Butler, Ann Underwood, Alexis Dean Rosales, Taren Hill, Larry Schwartz, Sarah Willey, Beth Tessman, Diane Zammit, Theresa McDivitt, Jill Landers, Liesl Okada, Kari Juul, Julie Mcfarlane, Crystal Dicosola, Lyn Greenspan, Linda Rothrock, Cindy Getchius, Teresa Moore Taylor, April Morrow-Grantham, Sheryl Goad, Crystal Dicosola, Melisa Zaversnik, Pam Begrin, Ann Brown Underwood

Update 1/5/24: Pablo is going in for another appointment this week. I think we need another uptick in his seizure meds. Although Pablo can seem to be ok most of the day, he is still having quite a few breakthrough seizures. I am also seeing he is so very very very hypersensitive to any noises. He growls and barks incessantly at anything and everything this little one hears. If he can't be redirected fast, he will find something to bite and it's usually your ankle. He is not meaning to hurt, but his brain is so excited and fired up to find that noise maker, that he truly needs to bite something so he can release's truly a release mechanism for him.. Luckily, we all understand this and know him so well.

I honestly think he can hear a leaf turn over on the grass! It's a sad situation but we constantly keep trying to keep him playing with his toys or keep him involved with a chew toy that we hope makes all the difference in that moment. Sleep really only comes at night time when the house is crazy still.

Pablo suffered horribly, as you can read below in his bio history, with infection and was pulled through death.

We are not certain at this time IF this little one will ever be adoptable, but we can hope he will at least continue to get peace with his brain and the mis-firings he has going on. Meantime, we will always be his best advocate for a sweet peaceful life! Donations are always warranted, as this little one has reached the $20k mark in his short time on this earth. We always thank you and bless you all for all you do for all of the United Yorkie Rescue babies!

Update 11/6/23: United Yorkie Rescue's sweet Pablo saw the Dr. last week. Sadly, this little one had a pretty significant seizure that was lasting over 30 minutes and he looked so confused and distressed. We immediately went into a quiet room where I just held him and finally it stopped. Within a little time, Pablo was once again off playing and able to be himself again. After the vet visit, we have once again raised his seizure meds dose. He has a few very short moments still of "shakes" coming off and on, but we are watching to see that we have reached the correct dose for now. This little one is a work in progress but we are here to see him through! Please keep this little boy in your prayers as we go through this adjustment once again. Bless you all as always for all you do for our sweet babies!

Update 10/5/23: As we all know this little man is just adorable! He continues to thrive in the foster home but he must be watched at all times. As you all may know, Pablo is currently on medications to continue to keep his seizures under control due to his near death from Babesiosis, a tick-borne disease. We can also see when his brain is having a misfire because his eyes will change and a slow growl will begin and then he will go after the nearest baby near him. My home is full of babies that are very passive, which is great as they just continue moving on, with their heads down, trying to walk away. I swoop him up and redirect him immediately to his toys, and it's as if nothing had ever occurred. It is scary to think what has happened to his little brain during this horrible illness, but I know he is safe and his home is safe which gives me peace. We are not certain to date what his adoption status will be as we are waiting for the meds to become a stable dose, while we watch to see if there are any new brain misfires that cause additional issues.

Please continue to watch updates, not just on Pablo, but on all of our babies. These littles are blessed to have you either as adopters, donors which allow us to save these babies, or just one that shares these babies stories for us. Thank you all and bless you!

To date we've spent $20844.50 on Pablo FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $10695.00 in donations.
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Phoebe FO

Meet Phoebe, a sweet 10 year old, 5 pound Yorkie mix is being fostered in Frederick, MD.

9/27/22: Phoebe is doing very well in her forever home. She has no immediate vetting needs so we will hold off on doing a routine exam. Both she and Lily are exempt from vaccinations due to their age and lack of contact with other animals.

2/15/22 Today Phoebe became a Forever Ours pup who will spend the rest of her days with her loving foster mom.

To date we've spent $270.23 on Phoebe FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $265.00 in donations.
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Rocco FO

Sweet Rocco is an 8 year old, 9.5 pound Yorkie male who lives with his Forever Ours foster mom in Illinois.


Sandra Wendt, Susan Smith Wheeler, Connie Vaughn, Catherine Parker, Jane St. John, Wendy Tillotson, Stephanie Slack, Connie Peters, Sari Mandresh, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Jane St. John, Lory Foster, Stacy and Henry Powell, Jessica Ranger, Anita Konick, Jane St. John, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, David Rothrock, Sandra Wendt, Brenda Bargers, Karry Rogers, Tim and Dawn Hawkins, Jill Yablon, Amanda McKay, Jo-Ellen Gasior, Sheila Cohen, Olga Stecker, Irene and Peter Havas in memory of Buddy and Forever Ours Vanessa, Erin Horton, Anita Konick, Connie, Amy Chernault, Elizabeth Giannone, Angela Heath, Candace Haupt, Kimber Santorella, Robert Tiedeken, Irene and Peter Havas in Memory of Buddy and Vanessa, Angie Cagle, Mary Mulkey, Angela Heath, Anita Konick, Irene and Peter Havas in memory of Buddy, Vanessa and Pepe, Irene and Peter Havas in memory of darling Happy, Alexa Socha, Cynthia Duranti, Joellel Major

8/12/23 Update: Rocco is doing pretty good for a 13 year old fellow. Sadly though he is pretty much totally blind and deaf. He prefers spending his days napping in his favorite quiet spots. He does get excited when the grandkids come around. He seems to sense when they are here even though he cant see or hear them. He still enjoys his meals and going out and wandering the yard on a nice day. He is just a quiet laid back old man.

6/24/2022 - Rocco is under the weather today, so he's going to the dogtor to get checked out for an upset stomach. He was given medicine for nausea & fluids & was back to his old self in a few days, His favorite activities are eating, napping, & exploring the back yard with his foster brothers Ollie & Kai.

2/1/22. The vet examined him and said as a 12 year old dog with an inoperable liver shunt she felt he should be allowed to live out his best life, therefore he has been made a Forever Ours Foster. He has remained a reasonably happy dog who gets along with his foster brother Ollie.

1/27/22 Rocco was returned to us by his adopter due to personal health challenges. His foster mom will be scheduling a vet visit to ensure his vitals are in good standing due to his inoperable liver shunt.

Bio Update 02/09/2017 - It won't be long until it will be a year since Rocco was surrendered to UYR and what a year that has been for Rocco. He was so sick when he came home with foster mom and the next day we found that he not only had a bladder full of stones, but Rocco had a Liver Shunt. Rocco had surgery at the University of Tennessee in April 2016 and they were able to remove the bladder stones but his Liver Shunt was inoperable and his liver is only about 1/3 the size it should be. Due to this, Rocco will always be on a special prescription diet and medication. Right now we are doing 5 small meals a day and some days Rocco eats good. Other days it is an effort to get him to eat anything and occasionally he will go for a couple of days without wanting to eat. Rocco continues to get his medications with each of his small meals and also gets 2 additional medications to help support his liver to be as good as it can be and also probiotics to assist his digestive system. He has good days where he plays like any healthy puppy and does well keeping up with his foster brothers. Other days, all Rocco wants to do is sleep or be next to foster mom all day. Even with the rollercoaster ups and downs with good and bad days, Rocco is always so loving and sweet and shows foster mom how much he appreciates everything that is done for him.

Update 9/14/16: With Rocco's health issues and sensitivity to change, it was determined he become a Forever Ours Foster Dog and remain with his foster mom who had cared for him since he came into rescue.

Update Bio: 09/09/16. Rocco still is having a roller coaster life. Just when most things level out for him, another bomb drops. He has been doing great on the Hill's L/D diet and medications, so his labs are staying stable. We decided he was stable enough to get his vaccinations up to date. Since he has known vaccination reactions, it was decided to give them in 3 different intervals and to premedicated with Benadryl. He didn't have a reaction but was very sluggish for several days afterwards. Just about the time he started feeling better I also got a new supply of his Hills prescription diet. Well, they have changed the formula and Rocco says "NO WAY"!! He does not like it at all!! Foster mom has spent hours on the phone with Hill's and there is probably nothing we can do except start making home cooked special food for Rocco. In the meantime, foster mom has bought every can of the "old" Hill's L/D within a 20 mile radius of our home and Rocco is once again eating and feeling better. We will start a slow transition to home cooked special food. In the meantime, if you are interested in adopting Rocco, please follow the link below and complete the application. But, please be patient as make this transition to a home cooked diet.

To date we've spent $8276.37 on Rocco FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $2441.60 in donations.
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Roxy Rose FO

Roxy Rose is a 15yr old (estimated) yorkie/ Shih tzu mix being fostered near Ashland City,TN.


Sandy Pagnotta, Linda Crawford, Pamela Roberts, Evelyn Greer, Angie Cagle, DeAnn Deutsch, Wendy Fuhrmaneck


Karry Rogers, Jordan Weathers Griffin, Hazel Lau, Suzan Robison, Luis Y Erika Maldonada, Karen Coffey Galanski, Jason Johnson, Michelle Ann Calnan, Kari Juul, Bret Park, Barbara Burgess, Josh Lytton, Raul Letourneau, Melody Urso, Carol L Nichols

Updated Bio 10/12/24

Roxy Rose is doing well considering her age and dementia. She is all about routine. As long as her path is clear that she travels day and night she wont fuss. She needs to eat around the same times everyday. Sometimes she wakes in the middle of the night and is confused and fusses thinking it is dinner time. Roxy is blind and mostly deaf. She has a certain path she travels and has 2 beds set up that she goes to and she walks to the water bowl and back. Roxy doesnt like being outside very long. She gets extremely irritated. Could be overwhelming due to lack of sight and hearing. It also could be because before she came into Rescue she was abandoned in a parking lot severely malnourished and blind. When her anxiety gets to be to much she takes CBD oil prescribed by her Dogtor. She also has dry eye and has every medication she gets twice a day. She is loved and safe and secure in her Foster home. Please consider donating to her continued special care.

Updated bio 6/1/24

If you remember from her initial bio to no fault of her own she found herself abandoned on a street corner. She is blind, mostly deaf and upon her first examination at the shelter she was extremely matted, flea infested, malnourished and super scared. Roxy Rose needed special medical care such as a dental, care for her eyes, super bad skin, etc.. Her eyes weren't getting any better and it was determined that she has dry eye syndrome and will need to be on a medication for this for life. Also one of the findings during her check ups it was noted that her back right leg had been broken at some point in her life and probably didn't have the proper care so she does walk a bit wobbly. Roxy Rose has been in rescue almost a year receiving special care. She now suffers from dementia and gets agitated easily if other dogs invade her space. She has her daily routine that she likes and if she gets to uncomfortable and cant rest she get Trazadone to help her. Please consider donating to her special care.

Updated Bio 1/18/23

We have an update on Miss Roxy Rose. If you remember from her initial bio To no fault of her own she found herself abandoned on a street corner. She is blind, mostly deaf and upon her first examination at the shelter she was extremely matted, flea infested, malnourished and super scared. Roxy Rose needed special medical care such as a dental, care for her eyes, super bad skin, etc.. She has been getting special baths to help her skin. Her hair is growing back in and she is looking more healthy. She has gained some weight She has already made so much progress. Roxy had a Dental this week and lost a few teeth. Her eyes weren't getting any better and it was determined that she has dry eye syndrome and will need to be on a medication for this for life. Also one of the findings during her check ups it was noted that her back right leg had been broken at some point in her life and probably didn't have the proper care so she does walk a bit wobbly. All that being said she is happy laying in her soft bed, eating her yummy meals and drinking her fresh water. She has been getting used to being petted and is not longer stiff and jumpy when being touched. She likes being outside for a bit and will always go potty out there when you take her. She cant see but can hear some and her sense of smell is perfect so she gets around pretty well. Please continue to donate to her care.

To date we've spent $3786.93 on Roxy Rose FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $995.00 in donations.
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Tennessee Paris Grace FO

Paris Grace is a 14-year-old (estimated) Peekapoo who weighs 10lbs and is being fostered near Clarksville, TN.


Sandy Pagnotta, Lauren Satterfield, Dan Clauser, Mary Mays-Delamater, Cari Cook, Lauren Satterfield, Anthony Matejka in memory of Rudy Matejka, Lauri Skul in loving memory of Rudy Matejka and his love for his "girls", Kasha and Piper, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Barbara Burgess, Elba Short, Ellen Chokreff, Barbara Burgess, DeAnn Deutsch, Wendy Fuhrmaneck

Update: 8/30/24 Paris Grace is the sweetest baby girl. She loves being with her person all the time. Her degenerative bone disease continues to hamper her ability to walk. She moves around quickly even though she is unable to use her right leg at all, and her left leg is getting weaker, she drags her back end to get from place to place. She is unable to stand to use the bathroom so she is wearing diapers. Wrapped in love has supplied her with diapers and drag bags. She does not appear to be in any pain. But we continue to monitor to make sure she is a happy girl.

Update: 02/08/2024 Paris Grace is a sweet girl. she is very loving and likes to be with her person all the time. She lost feeling in her tail and was constantly chewing it. We decided it would be best to remove her tail. She has recovered nicely from this procedure. She also has a degenerative bone disease which is causing her to drag her right leg. She no longer uses her right leg at all. She does have feeling in her right leg as she is reactive when you move it but refuses to use. She does not appear to be in any pain. She is always happy as long as she can see her person. Sometimes her left leg also gives out on her as a result we got her a wheelchair which she hates so now we are trying a drag bag that our Wrapped in Love family is making for her. Her lack of use of her legs does not slow her down. She can get anywhere she wants as fast as she wants. She is settled with her foster family who continue to monitor her condition and will manage any pain she may start to have but at this time she is doing well.

To date we've spent $2846.51 on Tennessee Paris Grace FO's vet bills, but with your support we've collected $1270.00 in donations.
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